A Sip of Zen with a Bite of Calm

How to De-Stress with Food and Drink

As a yoga teacher, my most obvious choice to reduce stress and anxiety is by practicing yoga and meditation.  But as much as I love gentle movement, breathwork, and mindfulness, sometimes even I need something different to calm my nerves.

Even though I have been studying Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, for years, I often overlook the medicinal aspects of diet.  I have given workshops on the subject. I have taught future yoga teachers about the yogic diet and lifestyle.  Still, there is a lack of conscious choices, that I am guilty of every so often. What can I do? I am a human with very active taste buds. LOL

I have experienced it myself, and I am sure you have too that choosing the right food can significantly improve mood and overall health.  I am so ready to recommit to do a better job. Are you with me?

If you are looking for a tasty way to improve your overall wellness and reduce stress and anxiety, please take note of some of my favorites below:


Herbal Teas to Sooth

Camomile Tea

Chamomile is one of the most common sleep time teas to treat anxiety and depression. In my native Hungary, we have multiple ways to use this herb, which I have adopted since I have been living in the US.  For example, I like gargling with it when I have a sore throat or using it as a rinsing agent when I have an eye infection. Some people like it as a digestive relaxant in case of diarrhea or upset stomach.

Lavender Tea

As you may recall, lavender is a favorite scent by yogis and massage therapists. It has a sweet floral aroma that is effective for creating a calming, soothing environment. The herbal tea comes from the light purple colored lavender flower buds and promotes relaxation.

Valerian Root Tea

Valerian root is a natural remedy to treat sleep disorders and tame anxiety. It is a flowering plant, but unlike camomille and lavender, the herbal beverage comes from steeping the dried roots and underground stems of the plant in hot water.  This is one of the go-to recipes for my mom when she needs a night of restful sleep.


Foods Rich in Magnesium to Calm

Nuts (Cashews, Almonds, Brasil Nuts)

Nuts won’t make your credit card bill disappear, but the nutrients in them may protect your body against the damaging effects of stress. Because they contain a high amount of magnesium and vitamin B, they are tasty options curb salty and crunchy cravings.

Leafy Greens

The high levels of magnesium in leafy greens will help to regulate cortisol levels; therefore, they are good choices against stress and anxiety. I love spinach, kale, arugula, endive for their texture and flavor.

Dark chocolate

Great news, chocolate lovers!
Some studies have shown that dark chocolate can help you feel calmer.  By stimulating serotonin in your brain, it acts as a mood stabilizer and facilitates healthy sleeping patterns.  Although it is still high in calories, for the most benefits, look for the ones with at least 70% cocoa content.


Fruits High in Antioxidants to Repair

Citrus Fruits

These fruits are rich in vitamin C, which has antioxidant properties that may help reduce inflammation and prevent damage to cells that may promote anxiety.  Consuming oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, pomelos, or kumquats are a delicious way to give your general health a boost.


Blueberries have an extremely high level of antioxidants and vitamin C. Because both properties work well to protect and repair cells when we are stressed, I highly recommend them as a low-calorie snack.


Avocados are nutritious, high in fiber, and rich in antioxidants. They also contain B vitamins that provide for healthy brain function. I love them on toast, in a salad, or as a topping on a cream soup.


Next time you need a way to relax, make yourself a delicious cup of tea or settle into a comfy chair to snack on some nutritious nuts or a few pieces of fruit. Just stepping away from your routine encourages you to take a few minutes out of your day to focus on you.

Try a few of these ideas to see which works best for you.


For me, if everything fails, chocolate always comes to the rescue.  There is only one thing that is better than enjoying a decadent piece of chocolate is sharing quiet time with my hubby.  Being in the present moment together, chocolate is just a bonus.

Do you have any special treats or comforting drinks that work for you when you need some me-time? Tell me about it in the comments at the end of the post!






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