Can’t break away from a stressful lifestyle? Learn to rejuvenate your body and mind with my short audio recording that will make you feel at ease and full of energy!



So you feel like you are always stressed and your life is getting out of control?


You feel overwhelmed and don’t know how and where to find your peace?


Well, you are in the right place.  My name is Ildiko, and I am an experienced, certified yoga instructor.  Guess what?  I have been in your shoes before.  I had a demanding sales job and a household to run, allowing very little time for my self-care.  Starting my yoga and meditation practice has changed my life.  

My goal is to help you get control back in your life and to give you tools, like the Yoga Relaxation Practice, to successfully navigate through your daily challenges.

Have the effects of stress like 

  • Insomnia,
  • Irritability, and
  • Increased heart rate,

started seeping into your daily activities?  

I know it is hard to admit, but the answer is probably yes.  I also know that because you are here on this page, you had enough.

For now, you may feel yoga and meditation are not for you.  You heard about the great benefits of it, your friends tried it, your doctor recommended it, but you have not been to the gym for a long time and feeling hesitant, even scared.

You might be telling yourself that you are not flexible.  Living with an achy body that would not get any younger.  And you have the ultimate excuse, ‘I have no time.’ 

Do you realize that all the excuses in the world will not make you feel any better?

Did you know there are different styles of yoga?  I am not going to teach you advanced poses. I am not even going to have you move.  And because I know you need to rest, I am going to help you relax, and learn how to nurture your own body.

Making the first step is always the hardest.  And you have already done that by recognizing you need change.  



to make you feel rested and nourished!

I believe that we have lessons to learn from all of our experiences in this lifetime.  Yoga, along with meditation gives us the tools to ride the waves with grace and peace. As a yoga teacher, my goal is to offer a space in which students feel supported and safe to explore these experiences in their little Universe. 

I will see you on the mat!