
A Powerful Technique to be Healthier, Happier and More Effective

As we still are on a forced pause, I am trying to figure out what life will look like again when we go back to normal. I daydream about hanging out with friends, going to a concert, teaching in a gym or studio space, having dinner at my favorite restaurant, booking a hair, nail, or massage appointment. Just having an impromptu visit ANYWHERE without worrying about face coverings, hand sanitizers, or crowds would be refreshing.

Because I am comforted by all the pictures, scenarios, or outcomes appearing in my mind, I find myself exploring the topic of visualization more and more. I feel happier, and I feel whole.

You may know this already, but athletes, entertainers, speakers, and presenters have been successfully using visualization for decades to improve performance or attain a desired outcome.

Before we dive deeper, let’s look at a few questions:

What visualization is?

Think of it as a mental rehearsal. It is the act of mentally practicing, viewing, experiencing, or making something happen before it actually does.  Does this sound new or far from what you think you can do? Try again! As a kid, you had done visualizing or fantasizing every day. When you were playing, real or imaginary scenarios were no different. In other words, this is familiar, and you have been doing it for decades.

Are meditation and visualization the same?

No, they are not the same as they affect the brain and body in different ways. Although there are several types of meditations, with most, we are making no effort to control our thoughts.

With visualization, however, we are giving the mind a specific direction. Like when we are in a stressful situation and striving for a desirable outcome such as an outstanding performance, a business negotiation, a job interview, a first date, a public speaking event, a healed body.  In other words, meditation is somewhat passive, and visualization is active, and it requires you to be in an alert state.  Read more of this topic here.

But what visualization is good for?

While meditation de-regulates the central nervous system, visualization re-programs it. If you ever had situations where fear or disbelief prevented or paralyzed you from achieving your goal, using your imagination might be a solution.

Remember that most negative feelings are intertwined with fear or rooted in losing something like your job, your livelihood, power, reputation, love, and even your life. Worrying about these life-altering events affects the breath first, so many of the visualizations start with breathwork.

How to get started?

  • Have an open mind with a desire to try something new!
  • Take a few deep belly breaths!
  • Set a goal towards the desired outcome, such as improved health or physical condition, a happier state of mind, increased prosperity, a successful business venture, a meaningful relationship, or solving a problem.
  • Create a mental image, feeling, or situation with as many details as you can. Imagine yourself in this scenario and think of it in the present tense as it is already happening!
  • Bring this situation or picture to mind often, but do not force it. Make it part of your life by thinking of it throughout the day. Be aware of your thoughts, but stay relaxed about it.

Amplify it!

  • Give it positive energy! Be encouraging! Use mantras, do some journaling or meditation to keep it at the forefront of your mind, and to keep doubts at bay. In other words, practice the experience that what you desire is very real and possible.
  • Keep working on this process until you reach your goal. Make sure you don’t forget to acknowledge your success. If your goal changes, know that you did not fail. Simply, end the old cycle, and start a new one.

The bottom line

As you see, there are many benefits to visualization. This creative approach to improve the quality of your life, however, takes practice. Now, why don’t you turn off your digital gadgets and take a mental vacation? Using your imagination to ask and receive might be just a unique way, the universe is blessing you with what you want in your life.




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