Yoga Warrior 3


Online, live class schedule via Zoom


Monday-Wednesday-Friday: 7:15am-815am

Tuesday: 5pm-6pm  &  Thursday: 6pm-7pm

Saturday: 8am-9am


To join the Class with the Zoom Meeting app on the days and times listed above, please click the link below about 5 minutes before the scheduled time.  Please note, the times are in US Pacific Standard Time.  Allow the software or the app to download.  Use the meeting ID number below if prompted.  For the password, please contact me.

Meeting ID: 582 742 7934

Please feel free to sign-up for my newsletter to receive my downloadable relaxation/meditation practice at no charge to you.

Disclaimer/Waiver of Liability:
Please note that by joining my online class you agree:
1. To participate at your own risk and recognize that yoga requires physical activity which may cause physical injury.
2. You understand that it is your responsibility to consult with a physician prior to and regarding participation. If you don’t feel well or show symptoms for Covid-19, please postpone attendance.
3. You release me, Ildiko Csarmasz Kuyper, the provider of classes, from any liability for any injuries, known or unknown, which are incurred by, arising from, or in any way relate to participation in yoga classes.