5 Easy Ways to Thank your Body and Mind


Have you heard the expression? “You gotta nourish to flourish.”  Incorporating a few self-care ideas to thank your body and mind will help you stay tuned not only with yourself but also with the world around you.  Like any meaningful relationship in your life, the one you have with yourself needs to involve love, patience, kindness, and more importantly, nurturing.

Do you need ideas to practice self-love?  Keep on reading!

Slow Down

Time seems to be the biggest challenge in doing something beneficial for our physical and mental well-being.  When I was still working at my corporate job, living the daily grind was my norm.  Slowing down did not come easily. It was rather challenging. When I began practicing yoga and life around me slowed down, interestingly enough, everything started to get more pleasant. Food tasted better, my body felt lighter, and my mood and my day got brighter.  I discovered that savoring my meals become more enjoyable. A restful sleep gave me more energy and patience throughout the day. I felt more satisfied with EVERYTHING because I took the time to notice the beauty in everything.


According to medical professionals hugging not only makes us feel better, but healthier and happier. Oxytocin is a chemical in our bodies that science calls the cuddle hormone, or love hormone.  Research indicates that with comforting hugs, oxytocin in our bodies rises, positively impacting stress and pain levels. Are you still not convinced?  Cuddling up may boost your heart health, improve your relationships, and enhance communication with others. It may also reduce the chances of developing certain illnesses.

Unplug or Mute

We live in an era when social media influences what we eat, where we go, who we meet with, or what we buy.  Do you realize that the constant emails, texts, welcomed and unwelcomed comments may affect your decisions? Are you aware that the bing overload may deteriorate your relationships and often alter your sleep patterns and behaviors?  To avoid having your mind running on overdrive, consider switching your electronic devices to airplane mode for a few hours a day. Or mute some of your social media friends’ negativity by temporarily (or permanently) hiding their profile!

Be Selfish

Think about it for a moment! Is all selfishness bad? Is putting your health first, bad? In my mind, ‘good selfishness’ does exist when you choose to take care of yourself first, so you could better serve others.  So don’t feel guilty when you occasionally take time for yourself.  Enjoy a long, relaxing bath, read your favorite magazine for a break, or treat yourself with a delicious, healthy snack to fuel your body!


Do you ever tune in to your body asking what it needs?  Turning inward and mindfully moving your body is very different from working out.   I love the way my body feels after a gentle yoga class.  I love being outdoors and taking quiet walks with my husband and dog. Finding a way to move that makes both your body and mind feel good is not only an effective way to relieve stress but also nourishing to the soul.

From your head to your toe, your body does a lot for you.  From the moment you wake up until you go to bed at night, your mind is processing tasks and deadlines.

Would you like to become the best version of yourself?  Are you ready to thank your body and mind?  Try to add one or more of the ideas above to your daily routine.

Which one will you try first?

I look forward to hearing from you.






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