30+1 Free Self-Care Ideas


Do you have days when you feel you hit rock bottom? Yes, we all do.  However, what you can do next time you are nearing the point of explosion is self-care.  Not taking action will completely deplete your energy reservoirs and make things worse.  After all, what purpose does it serve if you fry yourself to a level that you adversely affect your well-being, your productivity, your creativity, your love for people important to you?

So, instead of waiting and hoping things would go away on their own, consider taking a proactive approach and fill your well (i.e., needs) of love, rest, attention to your mind, body, and soul.

Practicing self-care doesn’t have to take a long time or cost money; in fact, just a few minutes will make a big difference and will keep you from spiraling out of control. In the next paragraph, I’m going to discuss a collection of action items to help you.



Filling your Well with Self-Care

Firstly, here are some ideas that you can try without straining your budget.

1. Go for a hike, take a bike ride, go to the beach – spend time in nature!
2. Rearrange your furniture or decorations in your home!
3. Take social media hiatus!
4. Find a free event!  Attend a drive-by concert or visit a park!
5. Do your hair, your nails, or makeup just because!
6. Bake a cake – and eat it too!
7. Go to a local animal shelter and volunteer to walk a dog!
8. Meditate for a few minutes!
9. Play a card or board game, an instrument, or do a jigsaw puzzle!
10. Get crafty, make a flower arrangement, fill in a coloring book!
11. Light a candle and enjoy the scent lingering around your house!
12. Do some light yoga stretches or breathing exercises!
13. Walk around in a farmers market!
14. Sit outside on your patio, porch, or by the pool with your favorite beverage!
15. Call up a friend for a cozy chat!


Here is More

Secondly, here are some options you can add to your schedule without compromising your busy lifestyle.

16. Find your favorite songs and sing along or dance and feel the rhythm!
17. Go for a drive, enjoy a scenic route!
18. Start an herb garden!
19. Watch an uplifting movie!
20. Explore your cookbook and try a new recipe!
21. Take a relaxing bath soaking in some bath salt!
22. Make a fancy coffee or tea drink with your breakfast!
23. Listen to a podcast about a favorite topic!
24. Say a prayer or gratitude mantra!
25. Start a journal!
26. Declutter a closet, your workspace, or your garage!
27. Open that bottle of wine you set aside for a special occasion!
28. Take photos of your beloved people, pets, or plants!
29. Volunteer at a church function!
30. Curl up on the couch with a favorite book!

And I left the best for last!

+1 Take a nap!

I hope you find this list helpful.  Moreover, I hope it serves as a friendly reminder about all the fun activities you can do to boost your mood, your immune system, and, most importantly, bring joy into your life.






P.S. As this post is written in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, please be cautious as some of these activities require you to follow social distancing guidelines and wear a mask.



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